Protect Small Business

BCN Forum:Getting Ready for Town Meeting.
The Haven Center answers questions about recreational marijuana in Brewster.

Advance Video to 46.26 to view discussion of the community meeting. 

BCN Forum:Getting Ready for Brewster Town Meeting from Town of Brewster, MA on Vimeo.

Raise Your Hands With Us

Join us for the Brewster Town Meeting
December 3rd at 7:00 pm at Stony Brook Elementary School and VOTE NO on Articles 13, 14 and 15. 

Check The Facts

The Truth Is Here

December 3rd

VOTE NO ON 13, 14 & 15. The Selectmen, finance, and planning boards should not endorse this ban!

Enhance Brewster's Future

Last year, Brewster Town Meeting voters made the wise move of allowing limited, regulated cannabis establishments, paving the way for significant new tax revenues for the town and a reduction in black market dealing. Now, a small group of citizens are seeking to re-establish prohibition, which would keep criminals in control of marijuana sales and eliminate millions of dollars in new tax revenue.